2010. november 14., vasárnap

Ryleen's guide to troll rp

After rping a troll for more than a year now, I finally decided to take a closer look at their lore. I quickly realised that there are so many things I never realised and never knew. Now, I hope to help other players avoid the same problem.

I present to you:
Beyond Tusks and Cannibalism: A guide to Troll RP in the Warcraft Universe

it's a pdf, and can be downloaded here: http://www.aldrionaart.com/BTaC-1.pdf

This is still just the very first version, I'm aware that there still are a few typos hiding in there.

(While you're at it, why not look at my other rp guide as well? ;) http://aldriona.deviantart.com/art/Ryleen-s-Guide-to-WoW-RP-109248858 )

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