No, I'm not a lumberjack, but huzzah for comical enterances to Roleplay helping guide thingies. No, I'm still a Troll fishermon, as there is a distinct lack of good oak trees in Durotar, unless you want palm trees... But then that might be a hastle as even they are too hard to... Okay, okay, I'm going too much into it now...
So you picked Roleplay, you picked a topic which has already been vastly covered and otherwise been heavily bombarded with helpful tips, examples, advice, the whole kitten-kapoodle. Well, I won't lie to you, this is no different.
What I want to focus on, and you may of guessed by the title of the so very twee forum post, would be Profession based Roleplaying.
Now, I'm not pointing the finger, nor am I complaining, I'm simply helping, well... I hope I am, otherwise this was a grand waste of time! Any who, back on the topic, I will have to say I haven't seen a great deal of proffesion based roleplaying, which is a shame really, I know people Roleplay their professions within that category, but a murdering Demon who works in a barbershop seems a tid-bit too... Well, y'know. So, I'll try to persuade you for some profession Roleplay, something simple really.
Just exactly what is proffesion Roleplay? Let me tell you little shiba. And I will take my character, Najih, as an example.
Najih is a full-time fisherman. He fishes here, he fishes there, he fishes in the day, he fishes in the night, 'tis a lovely job, he loves it so. Therefore, Najih is a bit of a simpleton, easily amused, easily aggrovated, but can offer fish to the masses, if he opens a 'Fishermon Botique'. This makes him a less dramatic character, however, I'm not saying that you'd have to spend hours and hours over a hot cauldron pouring in some awful things to make your latest conconction, oh you alchemists...
Sometimes this can then be incorporated into your background story, no matter how short it is, I mean, Najih would say he became a fisherman because he likes the sea... And fish! It's that simple, or maybe it's something full of sadness, like perhaps your father was a blacksmith, he died of a disease and you took up the family business, infinite oppurtunities!
What I would be trying to get at is, while there is another option of Roleplaying your class, you could strain off to a less... Well... I'll say dramatic approach, oh yes, you may be able to slay a dragon... But I on the other hand can make one ace apple pie!
Oh! But your profession mightn't be straight out of game mechanics! No no! You could specialize something within that profession, take for example, Tailoring: Nice little cloth works, nice little robes, but me? I'm a hatter, I make hats. It really does give a great persona to your character!
Well, profession roleplaying in an end could entail the in-character making of various products, and perhaps possibilities of being a travelling salesman, or opening a shop, I know there are plenty of vacant spots waiting for a Roleplay hub to come settle down.
Do you want to know how to Roleplay as a profession Roleplayer person man or woman thing? Okay! Well, I'm not going to get up myself and be very cocky about this subject, as to be honest, most of my Roleplay, ideas and other things come from off the top of my head, a fact I'm proud of! But what I'd reccomend to any of you wanting to try this out, I'd think most professions would be like it would in real life, and even then you may hate it and have to do it, or love it and aren't able to do it enough!
Your profession character could have aspirations to become the number one in Azeroth... What? Let a troll dream...
The whole idea for profession Roleplaying would be mainly to get deeper into the world, without being some heroic character of valour and honour, I mean, who wants to be a hero anyway? Mmrrrff!
Oh, it doesn't have to be time-consuming, it's something you could do in 'Out of character' time, like if you're unable to go somewhere because you're 'grinding' you could actually be 'at work'. Unless grinding is your work, and you are an adventurer, lucky sod. So in the end, it could be a completely Out of character thing. Or it could be a chance to up your skills and trade, okay so everyone can meet outside Orgrimmar Bank and make Stormherald with the required materials. But you could weave this into some kind of dramatic making of an item, where hammer clashes hammer and then into the furnace, Sweat, fire, hotness. Something that buyer can watch, if you're into that!
So there we have the basics, hope you found that slightly 'amusing', I thought it was all right, but I'm biassed. There'll be more soon based around questions I get, or something I think which might be helpful, good luck on starting a family business or some kind of little shop!
Due to popular demand, I've decided to extend my guide, plus, I got a Blizzard comment, which gives me motivation to show a little more love in my nonsensical writing. Now we move on to crafting and the likes, how to craft in a crafty kind of way. You may of read only moments ago about the 'Stormherald' thing. I think it'd be a good subject to extend this guide upon, so off I go to blabber some more!
So, say you were a Blacksmith, or a Leatherworker, or even a Tailor, some sort of armour or weapon creator, or Engineering, if you're thinking of opening a Gyrocopter shop that is, gnomes 'eh? Well, rather than the simple 'Giev mats, then I will go and make teh sward/armah/gyrocupter.' How about trying something a little different, take your time for gathering the materials first, it's a good plot-line for your character, and if you're into creative writing, (I know I am) you can incorporate it into a story, something like 'The Hunt for the Ruby of the Tides', where you can insert your Indiana Jones type adventure story, with you in a hat and with a whip, doing battle with the trolls of Stranglethorne, because lets face it, if Indiana Jones was in Warcraft, it'd be in Zul'Gurrub or the Sunken Temple, Indy loves those kind of things... Back on topic...
Adventuring! Okay, so you're travelling the world for a little ruby to put in this armour or weapon, now, I'm not saying it has to be too epic, but an Indiana Jones story can still be quite fun to Roleplay out with friends, remember, Warcraft is for fun, no one should be able to tell you to stop, it is an infringement of your fun ideals. Hell, if you're really into it, take the adventuring of making things in Out of Character aswell, even if someone asks it Out of Characterly, he's still a customer and a valid avatar to start grinding those ores for. Good times.
Now, on to the crafting part, logically, and Blacksmiths need no attention to this, as it is compulsory for them to go near an anvil and forge for anything they want to do. Sometimes I like to yell 'SMELT' a few times while smelting ores, I don't know why... It's just the word 'smelt', there's something satisfying about it. Anyway, logically one shouldn't really make their items so easily, or take that little amount of time and effort into making such glorious items, artisan means something no? Every border perfection, every single plate in piece, every jewel in it's rightful section. So take your time with crafting, go sit down, have a little Roleplay while you're doing it, clashing hammer against anvil, or needlessly sewing away at this robe, why don't gnomes invent sewing machines? So much more useful. This can be fun, I'm not saying it will be. But it can be, if your customer doesn't mind that is. It gives that very mundane sense of Warcraft so many forget, okay so it has WAR in its game title. But not everyone is involved in war... Yet...
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