2010. november 14., vasárnap

Aging in Wow (by Swan)

I posted this one the Sha'tar's realm forum and it was requested there that I posted it here aswell. Though I'm quite sure it has been posted here before, I couldn't find it using the search function. So here it is:

Tables concerning ages of the different races as written in World of Warcraft the Roleplaying Game by Sword & Sorcery. Please note that I have removed jungle in front of troll and Ironforge in front of Dwarf to make the tables look better. Also note that this is just one source of lore concerning aging and there are some that speaks against this one. For example Night, High and Blood elves has only been mortals for about five years and thus not aged until then. It’s not stated anywhere if adulthood is a metal state of responsibility and maturity or if it means when the body as come to the stage where the individuals are able to reproduce.
Hope this can be to any help when creating your characters.


World of Warcraft the Roleplaying Game:

Table 7-2: Random Starting Ages

Goblin..........20 years........+1d6.................................+2d6...........................+1d6
Gnome.........40 years........+4d6.................................+6dd...........................+9d6
High Elf.......60 years........+4d6..................................+10d6.........................+6d6
Human........15 years.........+1d4..................................+2d6..........................+1d6
Dwarf.........40 years.........+3d6..................................+7d6...........................+5d6
Troll...........17 years.........+1d6..................................+2d6...........................+1d6
Night Elf....300 years.......+5d6..................................+12d6.........................+6d6
Orc............20 years..........+2d4..................................+2d6...........................+2d6
Tauren......50 years...........+1d4.................................+3d6...........................+2d6

* Forsaken do not age, as they are already dead.

Table 7-3: Aging Effects
Race.............Middle Age...Old................Venerable…..Maximum Age
Forsaken*....-.....................-.....................-................... -
Goblin..........40 years........58 years.........73 years.......+2d10 years
Gnome.........100 years......150 years.......200 years......+3d% years
High Elf.......175 years......263 years.......350 years......+4d10 years
Human.........35 years........53 years.........70 years......+2d20 years
Dwarf..........125 years......188 years........250 years.......+2d% yeas
Troll............30 years.........47 years.........69 years.........+1d10 years
Night Elf.....500 years.......650 years.......700 years.......+5d% years
Orc.............40 years..........65 years.........80 years.........+2d20 years
Tauren........75 years.........95 years.........110 years........+4d10 years

* Forsaken do not age, as they are already dead.

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